Day 1
Back Squat > 10×2 @ RPE 8 or ~70% of 1RM
- Dumbbell Front Squat 3×10
- Snatch Grip Row 3×8-10
- Dumbbell Step-Up 3×10/side
- Weight Plate Sumo Overhead Press 3×15
- Weighted Sit-Up x 30
Day 2
Bench Press > work up to a 1RM > subtract 10% > 3×1
- Spoto Press 3×8
- Chin-Up 3x(2+2+2)
- Standing Alternating Bicep Curl 3×10/side
- Chest Supported Dumbbell Row 3×12
- Kettlebell Push-Up 3×5-10
Day 3
Deadlift > 4×6 @ RPE 6, 7, 8, 8
- Push Press 3×8
- Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift 3×12
- Kettlebell Clean + Press 3×5/side
- Med Ball Slam 3×12
- Weighted Overhead Carry 3×1
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