Day 1
Back Squat > work up to a 10RM @ RPE 8 > subtract 10% > 3×10
- Assisted Pull-Up 3×10
- Front Foot Elevated Split Lunge 3×8/side
Finisher: 4 Rounds:
- Single Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15/side
- Quake Bar Zercher Squat x 15
- TRX Row x 15
Day 2
Bench Press > work up to 10RM @ RPE 9 . subtract 10% > 3×10
- Split Stance Dumbbell Row 3×8-10/side
- Weighted Push-Up 3x max > Band Tricep Extension 3×15-20
- Kettlebell Gorilla Row 3×10/side
- Tall Kneeling Philly Press 3×10/side
- Barbell Curls x 50
Day 3
Deadlift > 4×5 @ RPE 7, 8, 8, 9
- Pendlay Row
- Standing Alternating Kettlebell Press
Complete: 18-15-12
- Barbell Shoulder Press
- Med Ball Slams
- Kettlebell Swings
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