Day 1

Back Squat 4×8 @ RPE 8

  • Landmine Romanian Deadlift 3×10
  • Kettlebell Jump Out 3×15
  • Walking Lunge 3×10/side
  • Landmine Row 3×10/side
  • Weighted Sit-Ups 3×15

Day 2

Bench Press > work up to an 8RM > subtract 10% > AMAP > subtract 10% > AMAP

  • Chest Supported Row 3×10/side
  • Kneeling Dumbbell Curl Press 3×8-10/side
  • Hanging Knee Raise 3×6
  • Straight Arm Pull Down 3×10-15
  • Weight Plate Front Raise 3×10-12
  • Band Tricep Extension 3×15
  • Butterfly Sit-Ups 3×15

Day 3

Deadlift > work up to a 5RM > 5×3

  • Kettlebell Gorilla Row + Deadlift 3×10/side + 10
  • Quake Bar Press 3×15

Finisher: 5 Rounds:

  • Kb Swing x 10
  • Med Ball Slam x 10
  • Pushup x 10
  • Bicep Curl x 10